
Hungerford and District

For our regular viewers - welcome to our new-look website. Let us know if you have any problems via the Contact page.

What is the Hungerford & District u3a?

Hungerford & District u3a is the local branch of a nation-wide, indeed world-wide network of u3as.

u3as are local organisations where people who are no longer in full-time work come together to follow totally non-formal group learning activities that are intended to be fun as much as being informative. Keeping mind and body active in retirement through learning for fun!

As a member of Hungerford u3a you will be able to join friendly and like-minded people in a wide range of activities; currently we have 20 groups from Art to Geology and Pickleball to Walking (groups). Each group is led by a member of the group usually someone with particular experience or background in their chosen subject or activity.

We also run regular monthly meetings for all members - usually coffee mornings, often with an outside speaker - as well as arranging various trips throughout the year which again are open to all members. Please see the news and events page for the latest listings.

As a member you will also be able to have access to all the National u3a resources (u3a.org.uk) together with those of the Thames Valley Region. Please see the membership page for more details.

For details of how to join us please follow the membership link here or if you have a question please use the contact page.

We look forward to welcoming you!