
Hungerford and District

Useful Links

ItemWebsite InformationNotesContact numberContact EmailContact Name
Gas or carbon monoxide emergency  0800 111999  
Thames Water Problemswebsite 0845 9200800  
Newbury Police Station (emergencies 999)websiteFor non emergencies101  
CHAINwebsiteCare in Hungerford Action in Need01488 683727  
Hungerford Town Councilwebsite 01488 686195admin@hungerford-tc.gov.uk 
Citizen’s Advice Bureauwebsite 01635 516605  
The SamaritanswebsiteFor help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year call free on 1161230330 094 5717  
British Red Cross National Supportwebsite 0808 196 3651  
British Red Cross Mobility Aidswebsite 0300 456 1914  
St. Lawrence ChurchwebsiteChurch of England01488 208341vicar@StLawrencesHungerford.org.ukRev Mike Saunders
Our Lady of Lourdes Church  Catholic Church01235 403332 Rev Zbigniew Budyn 
Methodist Churchwebsite  steward.hungerfordmethodist@gmail.comRev Peter Bennett
United Reformed Churchwebsite  hungerfordurc@yahoo.co.uk 
Newbury Weekly NewswebsiteGeneral Enquiries01635 524111newsdesk@newburynews.co.uk